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This is an unmaintained snapshot of the Astro v4 docs. View the latest docs.

Deploy your Astro Site to Render

You can deploy your Astro project to Render, a service to build websites with free TLS certificates, a global CDN, DDoS protection, private networks, and auto deploys from Git.

  1. Create a account and sign in

  2. Click the New + button from your dashboard and select Static Site

  3. Connect your GitHub or GitLab repository or alternatively enter the public URL of a public repository

  4. Give your website a name, select the branch and specify the build command and publish directory

    • Build Command: npm run build
    • Publish Directory: dist, for static sites; dist/client if you’re using server or hybrid server-rendering modes.
  5. Click the Create Static Site button

More Deployment Guides


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